Course Description

I've been a documentor my whole life. I have bits of life documented here and there: complete years, complete vacations, lots of moments and heartfelt memories!

But when I decided to fill in the gaps it quickly felt like it was much too big of a task to take on. It seemed like there was SO MUCH to do!! I knew I needed a better way to organize everything and be able to see at a glance where I was in the process.

Does this sound familiar? Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the stories you know you want to tell??? I know all about it, because I have been there too. What changed for me was finding an efficient process to save photos and memories, track where I was in the process, and be able to quickly see where I had left off the last time I worked on it.

I love lists! I tried several different apps and tools, but always ended up with my faithful pen and paper...until I discovered Trello!

I have tested and tackled this powerful app and I have all of the tools and information you need to hit the ground running! Start today on organizing your photos and memories, and then get them documented in an album or book.

In this course you will learn:

  • Trello - What Trello is, why I love it for organizing my photos and memories; and how it works in a web browser, iOS app, and Android app.
  • Things to consider - A few things you will want to decide before you get started, some of the things I tried (that failed) and others that worked out well.
  • High quality images - how to get high quality images onto Trello (which cloud locations give you quality images and which ones don't)
  • Prepopulated Trello boards and lists - I've created SIXTEEN different Trello boards for you that are populated with checklists, labels, lists, and cards based on the project and tasks determined by your photos (physical or digital) and your end result (digital or physical).
  • How to use the Trello boards- you will understand and know how to use the boards, lists, cards, labels, and checklists to help you be as efficient as possible.
  • Populating digital photos on boards and lists from cloud locations, computers, emails,  iOS and Android.
  • Workflow from Trello to the Project Life App I show you how I add photos to Trello and then what my workflow looks like to get the photos into the Project Life App

With your purchase of this class you get:

  • Access to the course classroom where you will find videos for every lesson that can be accessed on your device, tablet, or computer at any time.
  • SIXTEEN populated PROJECT themed Trello boards (physical photos to physical pages; physical photos to app pages; digital photos to physical pages; digital photos to physical pages for each Birth to 18; 18 and up; week by week for a year; month by month for a year)
  • All future bonuses and updates for this course.
  • Access to a private Facebook Group
  • Captions option on all videos.

Customers are saying:

"Would highly recommend this class!! It is filled with fantastic information and is really helping me organize my photos, which layouts I have or haven't done and much, much more!" - Merridy

"I wanted to post a big THANK YOU for introducing Trello, Google Photos, and most of all HOPF!!! I was an avid scrapbooker back in the day (CM physical books...27 on the shelves). When digital photos took over, I just couldn't keep up, I had pics everywhere, but not in books or printed. I had the Project Life app, but didn't do anything with it...UNTIL going through your classes (Catching Up put it all together for me)! Trello is a game-changer when paired with Project Life! I took all my lists and post-it notes and made lists/cards on Trello to keep myself organized while going back to document those missing years from 2009-2016 (I'm current on 2017 thanks to HOPF)....I'm so excited to be getting something accomplished!!"

- Linda

5 research based reasons you want your photos and stories printed:

  • Studies show recalling happy times from the past increases happiness now.
  • Hearing a story (beginning, middle, and end) releases the chemicals in our brain that allow us to connect, empathize, and make meaning.
  • Studies show the more children know about their family's history, the stronger their sense of control over their lives, the higher their self-esteem and the more successfully they believed their families functioned.
  • Studies indicate that telling and listening to personal narratives increases physical and mental health.
  • Research shows that telling our story causes reflection and introspection and change.

This course is for you if:

  • You are overwhelmed with photos and memories
  • Could use some help getting those memories organized
  • You are a visual person
  • You would like to be able to know at a glance at any given time, where you are in your progress with documenting the stories you want to tell
  • You like to see and track your progress

This course is not for you if:

  • You don't need or like lists
  • You are not overwhelmed with projects you want to get done
  • You really don't need a way to track progress

*Portions of this class will need to be done in a web browser, but it can be a mobile web browser.


Q: Will this help with my husband's life story?
A: YES! There are different boards for those that are working with physical photos and boards for birth through 18 and then 18 and over.

Q: When does class start?
A: When you buy! You get access to the course right when you purchase and can go through it at your own pace. There are no deadlines.

Q: Is this iOS and Android?
A: YES! Anything done on a device is filmed in both iOS AND Android and provided in the SAME class!

Q: How long will it take me to get through the class?
A: It will take you about an hour to go through all of the lessons.

Q: Do you offer a money back guarantee or a trial?
A: No. Because of the digital nature of this product, we do not offer refunds.


Steph Clay

Steph has been a personal story teller and documenter since the age of 6 (that's a lot of years) and mastered a process that has helped her create over 500, album-ready, pages of photos and stories EACH YEAR, for the past two years; and it was all done on her phone. She has been helping others with their personal photographic journeys since she was a teenager sharing tips, tutorials, inspiration, and encouragement with thousands of people. Steph is here to help guide you through your journey to find simple photo solutions that fit your life right now.Helping you discover ways to automate your organizing and backing up of your phone photos, your memories, and your stories in SIMPLE ways that don’t rob you of your time. It’s time to get started telling your story! Steph will make learning how to use your phone and technology, not only less intimidating, but doable for anyone. "I did the free course and am now using Google Photos. Then did the Memory Management course and I love, love, love Trello. And finally took the leap and took the HOPF course. It didn't disappoint! I have made lots of notes (haven't quite finished it yet) and know that it is going to make my workflow so much more efficient and that my photos will be backed up safe and secure! Thanks so much Steph." - Merridy (a happy customer)

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Module 1 - Trello

    • 1: Course Intro & Facebook Group

    • Lesson 2: Intro To Trello

    • Lesson 3: Trello Tour - iOS

    • Lesson 4: Trello Tour - Android

    • Lesson 5: Device vs Desktop

  • 2

    Module 2 - Things To Consider

    • One Thing To Note

    • Lesson 1: How Will You Tell This Story?

    • Lesson 2: How Many Pages?

    • Lesson 3: Just Try

    • Lesson 4: Methods For Getting High Resolution Images to Trello Cards

    • Lesson 5: Share From Where - iOS and Android

  • 3

    Module 3 - Project Trello Boards

    • Lesson 1: Which Board Is a Good Fit For You?

    • Lesson 2: Tour of Trello Project Boards

    • Lesson 3: Copying boards to your account

    • Copying Trello Boards Checklist

    • Links to Trello Boards

  • 4

    Module 4 - Populating Boards From Computer

    • Lesson 1: Attaching From Computer

    • Lesson 2: Google Drive PowerUp

  • 5

    Module 5 - Populating Cards and Boards From Email

    • Lesson 1: Integrating Email With Trello

    • Lesson 2: Forwarding Emails To a Trello List and Board

    • Lesson 3: Automatically Sending Emails to Trello Board

    • Lesson 4: Organizing Emails On Lists - iOS

    • Lesson 5: Organizing Emails On Lists - Android

  • 6

    Module 6 - Populating Boards From Storage - iOS

    • Lesson 1: Adding Trello As a Share Destination on iOS

    • Lesson 2: Batch Sharing To Trello From Google Photos

    • Lesson 3: Adding Attachments

  • 7

    Module 7 - Populating Boards From Storage - Android

    • Lesson 1: Batch Sharing To Trello from Google Photos

    • Lesson 2: Attaching Photos

  • 8

    Module 8 - Trello To Project Life Workflow

    • Lesson 1: About These Lessons (Android and iOS)

    • Lesson 2: Trello to Project Life App Workflow - iOS

    • Lesson 3: Trello to Project Life App Workflow Android

  • 9

    Module 9 - Conclusion & What's Next

    • Lesson 1: Conclusion

    • Lesson 2: What's Next?

  • $99.00

    $99.00Memory Management Bundle (Missionary & Catching Up)

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