Course Description


There have been phases in my life where getting my story documented has been a struggle and the battle was with TIME. Can you relate?? Can I get an AMEN??

It was during those periods when I bought a lot of supplies with plans and ideas. I knew exactly what I was going to do with them, but it never happened. I just couldn’t find the time to sit and get it done.

The supplies piled up. The ideas and the memories faded with time and so did my enthusiasm and nothing was done. The stories were left untold. I felt a little bit like a supply and idea hoarder.

Does this sound familiar? I know, because I have been there too. What changed for me was finding an efficient process that really enabled me to accomplish a lot in a very small amount of time. I was shocked at how much I as able to get done once identified tools and processes that worked WITH me and my busy life. Using these tools and processes, I have completed THOUSANDS of pages with my photos and memories! 

My students are reporting that they are getting more pages completed than ever before! Those that were stuck and couldn't move forward telling their story, are having success! Many of my students are sharing they have completed HUNDREDS of pages! 

  • My students are now finding time they didn't think they had!
  • They are figuring out how to tell their story; even the hard parts. 
  • They know where to START telling their story.
  • They have the tools to find a successful workflow that saves time.
  • I give my students the ability to find roadblocks, define them, and keep moving forward.
  • My students send me thank you notes often and tell me that this course has been life changing for them!

Technology is pretty amazing and it is changing so FAST right now. It can be so overwhelming for even me and I’m very tech savvy. I’m the daughter of a computer programmer, so this stuff is literally in my genes and I still get overwhelmed by the choices, the processes, how apps and programs work independently let alone together.

  • How can I be sure if my photos are backed up and safe?
  • If I delete something in one place, where else will it be deleted?

After many, many failures and near catastrophic hard drive losses, I decided to move to the cloud for backup. The choices are overwhelming. All of the plans, pricing, options, limits, compression….I avoided figuring it all for YEARS. But, I have tackled this cloud back up monster and I have all of the information you need to make good decisions for yourself. So you can rest easy knowing that you will never lose photos.

 I have put so much heart and soul into this cours, Heart of Photos Fabulous. I’m really excited to share it with you! 

In this course you will learn:

  • TIME and EFFICIENCY - we will set you up for success as you learn ways to find time in your regular day and make the most of it by being efficient in your workflow
  • Where to start - You will easily be able to idnetify where  
  • Backing up and deleting - Protecting your images with cloud storage options. I will also cover deleting so you can free up space with confidence.
  • The Project Life App Then I will introduce you to the Project Life App and go over all of the basic information about building pages, editing images, changing backgrounds, and organizing completed pages
  • Adding External Supplies Once you get a couple of pages done you might want to add some additional digital supplies to add variety. I will show you how to do this in the app and out of the app. Where to shop and how to get those supplies on your device to work with
  • Because we all have limited amounts of space on our devices, weather it’s a lot or a little; I will show ways of Conserving Space and being able to work offline by Accessing and Saving Images to External Storage
  • How will you tell your story?? Weekly, Monthly, Events, Getting "Caught Up". This is where I show you processes and tips for documenting in different time increments. I also share my journey of finding the heart of my story and how your can find the heart of your story too.
  • Last, I will show you how to batch export through iCloud Photos for PC and Mac for printing outside of the app

With your purchase of this class you get:

  • Access to the course classroom where you will find videos for every lesson that can be accessed on your device, tablet, or computer.
  • Captions option on all videos.
  • Access to downloadable guides that will work on your phone, device or computer to help you be more successful
  • Access to an exclusive Facebook Group where I will be at least 5 days a week to answer questions.
  • All future bonuses and updates for this course.

5 research based reasons you want your photos and stories printed:

  • Studies show recalling happy times from the past increases happiness now.
  • Hearing a story (beginning, middle, and end) releases the chemicals in our brain that allow us to connect, empathize, and make meaning.
  • Studies show the more children know about their family's history, the stronger their sense of control over their lives, the higher their self-esteem and the more successfully they believed their families functioned.
  • Studies indicate that telling and listening to personal narratives increases physical and mental health.
  • Research shows that telling our story causes reflection and introspection and change.

What my students are saying:

“I absolutely LOVED Steph’s class (both of them!) She has taken something incredibly complicated and made it seem so simple, I thought, “I should have known how to do this myself”. Steph did a ton of testing with the PL app and all of the backup and transfer methods. I learned a lot from the class and have gone back several times in the past week while I perfect my own method. Just in the past week I’ve created 45 pages using photos on my phone AND ones that were on my computer. I used PL cards AND ones that had been locked away on my computer that I couldn’t figure out how to access. All of these pages were quick to assemble – so much so that I felt like I was cheating! It all now seems so simple. You will learn so much and be motivated to get all of those old photos done! Thanks Steph for your mastery of technology and sharing it with the rest of us! Now I am off to create more pages.”
– Molly: 121 pages completed within two and a half months after taking the course.

“Before taking your class, I wasn’t sure how I wanted to tell my story or who I wanted to include in it. I didn’t even really know where to start. As I went through your class, it all started to become clear to me and I knew exactly where to begin and what photos to include. I finished the class in one day and made a 30 pages and started my wedding album all within a week. Everything you taught made sense and this is fitting into my life. I’m getting MY story told! On top of all of that, our photos are backed up in the cloud and I did it all on my own.”
– Sarah: busy working mom of 3; 207 pages completed in three months after taking the course and over 800 pages within a year.

“I will say that even though I am at what I would consider to be an expert level in this area that I still learned new things and was super inspired. I’ve taken A LOT of online courses and I will honestly tell you that I think this is well worth the price. There is a lot of content and very detailed instruction.”
– Katie

“I am just about caught up for 2017. I cannot wait to do last years and specialty albums for old stuff. I was soooo behind. I adopted 13 kids and fell behind. Then when i started to get time, I started with paper project life and i did some. Then I got twin boy newborn grandsons to raise so I thought that was it. My scrapping days are over. Now, it’s happening! I can see the light!

– Lorraine

This course is for you if:

  • You are ready to start telling your story
  • You are ready to start using your phone to tell your story
  • You are want to have a mindset shift in how and why you tell your story
  • You are tired of using the methods you have been using to tell your story
  • You are ready to have more success than ever in telling your story

This course is not for you if:

  • You have no desire to tell your story
  • You are happy and productive with your current story telling methods
  • You don't want to document or tell your story on your phone or tablet


When does class start?
A: You get access to the course right when you purchase and can go through it at your own pace. There are no deadlines.

Q: Can I buy one version (Android/iOS) and get access to the other version (Android/iOS):
A: I have created a bundle where you can get a discount for purchasing both. Just click on Courses at the top of the page to view it.

Q: How long will it take me to get through the class?
A: It will take you 3 hours and 10 minutes to watch all of the videos. There are a few short assignments as well.

Q: Do you offer a money back guarantee or a trial?
A: No. Because of the digital nature of this product, we do not offer refunds.


Steph Clay

Steph has been a personal story teller and documenter since the age of 6 (that's a lot of years) and mastered a process that has helped her create over 500, album-ready, pages of photos and stories EACH YEAR, for the past two years; and it was all done on her phone. She has been helping others with their personal photographic journeys since she was a teenager sharing tips, tutorials, inspiration, and encouragement with thousands of people. Steph is here to help guide you through your journey to find simple photo solutions that fit your life right now.Helping you discover ways to automate your organizing and backing up of your phone photos, your memories, and your stories in SIMPLE ways that don’t rob you of your time. It’s time to get started telling your story! Steph will make learning how to use your phone and technology, not only less intimidating, but doable for anyone. "I did the free course and am now using Google Photos. Then did the Memory Management course and I love, love, love Trello. And finally took the leap and took the HOPF course. It didn't disappoint! I have made lots of notes (haven't quite finished it yet) and know that it is going to make my workflow so much more efficient and that my photos will be backed up safe and secure! Thanks so much Steph." - Merridy (a happy customer)

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Module 1 - Are You Ready?

    • Lesson 1: You're In The Right Place!

    • Lesson 2: Heart of Photo Fabulous - Journey Guide

  • 2

    Module 2 - Backing Up & Deleting

    • Lesson 1: Backup vs. Cloud Storage

    • Lesson 2: A look at options and my backup system

    • Lesson 3: What if I delete?

    • What if I delete guide - PDF

    • Lesson 4: Selecting a phone back up

    • Phone photo backup comparison guide - PDF

    • Lesson 5: Setting up Google Photos as a back up

    • Lesson 6: Setting up Amazon Prime Photos as a backup

    • Lesson 7: Setting up Camera Uploads for Dropbox

    • Lesson 8: Setting up Flickr as a backup

    • Lesson 9: Settings for iCloud Photos & a look at optimize iPhone storage

  • 3

    Module 3 - The Project Life App

    • Lesson 1: Collage App On Steroids

    • Lesson 2: Project Life App Tour - Getting App-quainted

    • Lesson 3: Where should you start?

    • Lesson 4: Easily designing a cohesive look

    • Lesson 5: Workflow strategies overview

    • Lesson 6: Photo sorting - album view vs. photos view

    • Lesson 7: About photo editing

    • Lesson 8: My workflow step-by-step

    • Workflow step-by-step checklist - PDF

    • Lesson 9: More about text and journaling

    • Lesson 10: Organizing completed pages in Albums in Photos App

    • Lesson 11: Organizing completed pages in folders in the Project Life App

  • 4

    Module 4 - Finding The Time & Making The Most of It

    • Lesson 1: Finding the time

    • SELFIE TIME: Brainstorming hidden times for production - PDF

    • Lesson 2: Efficiency Tips and Tricks

  • 5

    Module 5 - Buying More Supplies (In App and Out of App)

    • Lesson 1: Buying supplies in the Project Life App

    • Lesson 2: Restoring in app purchases

    • Lesson 3: Buying supplies outside the app

    • Supply buying guide - PDF

    • Lesson 4: Downloading supplies directly from stores on device

    • Lesson 5: Downloading supplies to a computer (to transfer to device later)

  • 6

    Module 6 - Transferring & Organizing Out of App Supplies

    • Lesson 1: Batch transferring - why and how

    • Lesson 2: Batch transferring with iCloud Photos on a Mac

    • Lesson 3: Batch transferring with iCloud Photos on PC using a web browser

    • Lesson 4: Batch transferring with Google Photos

    • Lesson 5: Batch transferring with Amazon Prime Photos

    • Lesson 6: Batch transferring from Dropbox using iZip - Facebook Live

    • Lesson 7: Organizing transferred supplies on device

    • Lesson 8: Accessing transferred supplies through the Project Life App

  • 7

    Module 7 - Conserving Space

    • Lesson 1: Accessing Dropbox through the Project Life App

    • Lesson 2: Accessing Amazon Drive and Photos in the Project Life App

    • Lesson 3: Adding Photos to a Project Life page directly from Google Photos

    • Lesson 4: Accessing Google Photos through Google Drive in the Project Life App

    • Lesson 5: Saving images to device from cloud storage one-by-one

    • Lesson 6: Saving images to a SanDisk Connect USB to conserve device memory (and temporary backup)

    • Lesson 7: Saving images to a SanDisk iXpand to conserve device memory (and temporary backup)

    • Lesson 8: Completely deleting images to conserve device memory

  • 8

    Module 8 - Weekly, Monthly, Events, Getting Caught Up & Finding the Heart

    • Lesson 1: How will you tell your story?

    • Lesson 2: WARNING - getting "caught up"

    • Lesson 3: Searching for photos for a week at a time

    • Lesson 4: Searching and exporting photos a month at a time

    • Lesson 5: How I found the heart of my story

    • Lesson 6: Complete two page spread walk through step-by-step

  • 9

    Module 9 - Getting Ready To Print

    • Lesson 1: Batch exporting pages from Photos on a Mac for printing

    • Lesson 2: Batch exporting pages from iCloud Photos on a PC for printing

    • Lesson 3: Easily adding bleed to pages in AdoramaPix Book Builder

  • 10

    Module 10 - Conclusion

    • Lesson 1: What's next?

  • 11


    • Batch transferring from Dropbox using iZip - FB Live 3/22/2017

    • Facebook Live With Sarah Wells 5/25/2017

    • Steph answering questions 6/3/2017